If you are a busy person, you might need to take out a little time to reflect; to capture the full breadth of the often-hidden beauty in our world. If you have time on your hands, this might come more naturally; when we search deeply, we will clearly see that our world is indeed beautiful.

This beauty exists, despite the failings, the wickedness and all the evils we see in our world. In fact, it is what gives us the courage to wake up in the morning, to engage our daily tasks. We find such in relationships, in needs met, in aspirations fulfilled, dreams realized and in gaining a sense of significance in a crowded world.

It is almost as if we could equate our experience of this world’s beauty and magnificence to the degree of success, we achieve in it. Even though one can argue that those who have achieved the most success in our world do not live the best lives, they at least appear to do.

I attempt to think of the love of Christ, from this perspective also, that God does want to give me the best of this life – not just this brief mortal existence but of the entirety of life, of eternity. God, the maker of life, wants the best, the very best for all of His children; hence, when we complain of the failings of this world, He is the first to remind us that this is not the only plan, that this is just early days, the stumbling of a child learning to walk. Like a child, who spends a considerable amount of time crying, our initial experience of life could be rightly deemed to be traumatic.

In Jesus Christ, we find the cure to the chief trauma, the death effect of sin; In Him, God resolved our chief dilemma – our propensity to err; He forgave our sinfulness and supplies us with His Spirit so that we could live beautiful lives.

The love of Christ, in summary, is the entire plan, it is what makes this existence, this intermittent series of laughter and suffering, to have meaning. A meaning that transcends our mortality, our at best, 70-80 years on planet earth.

Sometimes, I wonder what life would look like if there were no forgiveness of sins, if there were no encouragement and comfort, of love and truth. It is indeed true that when we lose sight of these, that meaninglessness sets in, and we begin to dry up and die.

He loved us so that we could truly live beautiful lives.

God bless you.


1Jn 1:4 And we write these things to you so that your joy may be full.

Image Credit: https://missionsbox.org/news/christians-loving-others-jesus/