Faith is not man’s quest for God, it cannot be, for where can he find Him? It is God’s quest for man; hence, genuine acts of Faith are best seen in man’s response to the passions of God. When the Scripture says “seek Me and you shall find Me”, it is not because of the greatness of our efforts but in our response to the one who so earnestly seeks us. The true seeker is truly sought. Yes, in many ways, God has been really looking for you.

Man’s righteousness therefore is not a product of good deeds but in the obedience to God. If you have really tried hard at being good, you would agree that the self awareness posture required to pursue righteousness quickly leads to the discovery of one’s depravity. We are not perfect creatures, but we can be. The passions of God for us, makes such possible.

Php 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

The Nature of the Call
This call of God, however, is not essentially a physical or material calling, it is that and much more. It is true that God must not be judged by the material, many have missed Him by so doing.

The call of God is to God. ”Abraham” He says,”I am your exceedingly great reward”. For Abraham, his son Isaac was the promise – the material result of his faith, yet God wanted to bring him to the place beyond Isaac. This divine desire is same for all of us. The day Abraham believed God was the day he pleased Him and his faith was accounted for righteousness; yet, it took a longer while for Abraham to get Isaac. Our Isaacs are not as important as our response to the call.

Yes, material results are not as important to God as we think of them; though in many ways we deal with Him in the material, He is more concerned with what goes on in our hearts. Every business man knows how easy it is to lose money after it is made; the wise one learns that the critical thing is the nature of the heart of the individual, with or without the resources. By that, it is easier to judge men, not in the size of their pockets, but in the size of their hearts.

1Ki 4:29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore.

God in the Mundane
God speaks to us, when we are in relationship with him and sometimes even when we are not. Now, it is difficult to claim to know God if such a relationship of hearing does not exist; if we are not in pursuit of Him on a daily basis. But if we are, we would find that even in every day things of work and living, God has a will for us as individuals; that agenda sometimes look mundane and not so spiritual but the source is always very clear, even when the message is not.

For someone, it was to literally help carry the cross of Christ. Another gave his tomb to be used for His burial and countless persons have in the ordinary course of human pursuit dedicated their lives and resources to doing the biddings of God. However, beyond these desires of God from us is His desire of our lives – we are desired to be creatures of a particular sort.

2Pe 1:4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

He desires us to be creatures of love in a world where such love is alien and of righteousness where corruption is rife. It is a calling away from ourselves and to God – for it is only in Him that we can truly find ourselves. We’ve not always lived up to call, yet like Paul, it should be the relentless pursuit.

The Glory and the Glorifier
God is both – the glory and the one that glorifies. True glory is to know the applause of God – the ‘well-done, thou good and faithful servant’ commendation. The pursuit of the high calling is to pursue that commendation above every other accomplishment. In pleasing God, we might gain the glory of men but must learn to count such as nothing and fleeting. His is the one that endures.

The Fear of the Lord
The Lord commandeers his own, like soldiers in an army, we obey the supreme command. There are times when in battle array, when in the thick of the battle we are jostled from our positions and shaken by enemy fire, it is particularly then that good soldiers listen to receive the orders of their commanding officer. The one who fears the Lord waits upon Him, he might be slow but eventually he would arrive right on time.

Who am I?
I am thine!

1Pe 2:9-11 But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you- from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted. Friends, this world is not your home, so don’t make yourselves cozy in it. Don’t indulge your ego at the expense of your soul.

Muchas Gracias