Truth often times cannot be simply stated or we would have no need of teachers, or at best it would be a parable. This is not an apology but rather an explanation for the length of this write up, contained herein are my contemplations and attempt to glean wisdom from a multitude of teachers, if this article is lengthy it is because their thoughts and words were much.

(it is advised that you read a scene per time and digest the thoughts before the next),

We will begin with examining the meaning behind the statement;  “Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding; he who does it destroys his own soul. “ Prov. 6: 32

The feelers from the above are;

It takes ignorance to commit adultery thus a wisdom challenge

A man by adultery destroys, deprives, batters or spoils his soul

In the context of this text, the soul referred to the creature within the man, the source of vitality, freshness, purpose, passion, the living man.

Adultery on the other hand implies to apostate, to renounce a belief or an allegiance, it often is taken to include fornication.

Sexual relationships in my opinion is the most creative and most gratifying experience available to man. Therein man,  the most powerful, unique and influential force on planet earth is created by the union of  a man and woman or their seeds to give birth to another individual.

This new individual possesses a flesh and other non-physical part ; a soul and a spirit, the spirit and soul of the offspring is clearly distinct from those of the parents though the flesh is a random combination of both.

This distinction in the body, soul and spirit components of a new spring gives the following pointers;

  1. The body of the newborn is a product of a unique random genetic mix of his parents.
  2. His spirit however is very unique and very much independent of that of both parents.

My contemplation from the above is that  in a every sexual activity, there is a third factor that is responsible for the spirit of the newborn. Thus God is an active participator in every sexual activity and this is regardless of the religious orientation of the players. Thus this God-factor is the birthing power that births the spirit of the newborn (the real man), this explains why nobody is an accident or illegitimate.

The scenario like in rape or in an extramarital relationship might be wrong, an accident, cruel or improper but the birthing of the righteous spirit of a newborn is always right, it is initiated but not brought about by the parties.

This bears repetition and I will repeat it, no one is an accident or illegitimate. Like a piano master or a painter like Michael Angelo, the canvass can be wrong but not his art. For when the master is done, the canvass or the initial music would look just appropriate for the event.




From the last contemplation, sexual experiences regardless of the legality or morality create a template, canvass or a system through which the infinite resource of God is channeled to create the biggest force on earth; man. It is in my opinion that this system created by the union of a man and a woman is not like a reversible reaction, it is irreversible. It also is God’s avenue for providing resources for the work on earth (ideas, passions, burdens e.t.c).

“What? know ye not that he which is joined to a harlot is one body? for two, saith He, shall be one flesh.” 1Co 6:16

The author of this text was quoting the statement of God in Genesis that “the two shall become one” for an adultery scenario. This tells me that it is not “marriage” that makes two one but sex. One can thus be one flesh with another regardless of whether they went to the altar or not, I’ll dare say that the statement “What God has joined together” is not because the two came to the altar to become joined but rather because they partook of God’s “joining system” for creation. When we partake of sex, He joins us.

Note that the term “the two shall become one” was a statement made by God in Gen 2. It is the covenant basis for the joining. In 1 Cor 6: 16, it becomes clear that this joining is not limited to a marriage scenario but to every sexual relationship and this also can be gleaned from the fact that God didn’t make that pronouncement because there was a crowd of witnesses (as in marriage) but because  Adam spoke.

So, whenever two individuals become joined in sex they inadvertently invoke God’s joining and then spirit creation when there is a baby.


Sex and by extension marriage is the only institution or system that gives God a legal entry (in a way) to create in our universe, it is therefore His Institution. If humanity decides not to have sex or to pervert sex (as in sodomy and adultery) the Hands of God is in a way held back. This explains the devil’s winning strategy with homosexualism, divorce and adultery.

I am of the opinion that the system is not only necessary for procreation but also for work fulfillment, God said that Adam needed help and a sexual relationship was the answer (not just company). A woman therefore does not just bring company to man or an avenue for sexual satisfaction but also an avenue to supply soulish and spiritual resources that only her can supply. Resources that the man definitely needs for it is not good that he be alone, thus a man needs a woman except when he decides or is assured by God that he needn’t that nature of help!

Remember that the whole institution was a product of a man’s proclamation/intent; “And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called Woman because she was taken out of man”. It is not based on ceremonies or witnesses or because we came before an altar, if that were the case Isaac wouldn’t be said to have married Rebecca.

Remember that the motivation for this contemplation began with;

“Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding; he who does it destroys his own soul. “ Prov 6: 32



I’ve hitherto deduced that there is a joining which is irreversible that allows the Creator to create a spirit and that the environment, legality or scenario of the act is immaterial to the quality of the creation as they do not contribute to the spirit of the newborn. So we are all direct creations of God held in trust by our parents.

That irreversible system, what is it made of?

This joining, to me is really holistic and occurs in three dimensions;

  1. Flesh: the sexual act and maybe the mixing of the seeds
  2.  The soulish-spirit component, I am yet to make a clear divide between this but suffix to say that the soul is that which is essentially man’s (under his influence or as a result of his deliberations and is more or less a reflection of and the pathway for the interactions between the spirit and the flesh). The spirit is not really his though it is the inner him.
  3. As above

We do not own our spirits, the spirit is God’s. that is why He is God (The Father of all spirits).

Thus on mating individuals create an interface for fusion of the contents of their spirit (not the spirit itself), their soul components and their bodies.

This explains why one could get possessed by sleeping with a possessed individual, (spirit joining), acquire HIV or STD (flesh) and also the passions, aspirations, proclivities and ills (soulish) of his/her mate.

Our souls are the ultimate beneficiaries of the success or loss of our spirit and flesh. And any deprivation of the spirit or flesh is a deprivation of the soul.

“…he sins against his soul”




…he sins against his soul

Jesus made us to understand that adultery is more than fornication but a change of allegiance (apostate) and when one lusts after a woman or man they’ve committed adultery because they have only one person to desire or to be in allegiance to (the spouse).

The sin of adultery (this includes all sexual acts outside of a marriage structure and lusting) therefore has plenty connotations;

  1. A disobedience to God
  2. Profaning or trivializing of God’s main entryway (see Scene 2)
  3. A deprivation of the soulish-spiritual benefits of the spouse
  4. A contamination of the soulish-spiritual identity of the person
  5. A state of missing the mark as God has designed the system in such a manner that the spouse becomes a channel for reaching you and adultery messes up that system
  6. Deformation of the soul; the soul is always longing for growth and expression and this is the main reason people opt for relationships in the first place, we want to express the innate potentials and this development could be powerfully fueled by such sexual systems. Thus a comprehensive understanding of the tripartite nature of that system is needed to nurture, grow and cherish a marriage relationship. When individuals fail to balance the 3 points of growth (spirit, soul and flesh) or worse still venture outside that system they make a caricature of the whole works (point 4)
  7. However, note that the development of the gifting, thoughts, affections, morals, vitality, purpose and intellect are all components of the soul and is man’s first duty. The urge for sexual expression also is soulish in nature and in marriage brings a powerful stimuli to the development of all other soulish components.



Deductions from the above

  1. Premarital or extra marital sex (sex outside a lifelong commitment) is a trap of purpose. (One may ask; why premarital sex since sex is essentially marriage? Answer; individuals need to attain a certain level of physical, soulish and spiritual maturity to fare well in a joint system because once they have sex they’re joined. But if they can unravel therein, stick it out and do a good job, with the right counsel, age won’t be much of a limit though peculiar problems may arise)
  2. God hates divorce because it messes up the platform/system for creation (not just babies but purposes).
  3. God hates adultery for the same reason; it muddles up the canvass and deprives the parties.
  4. The whore monger not only sins against God, unlike other sins he sins against his soul.
  5. The soulish component is the vitality, the purpose, the essence of man. It is the seat of creativity when in interface with the spiritual which can connect with God (Creator).
  6. Adultery robs man of wholesome creativity, a creative individual who is whore-monger can at best produce distortions, perversions of the truth of God in him. He can be gifted but cannot truly use those gifts for the good of humanity but subjects those creativity to the influence of the spirits that he has acquired from his mates or can access him because of sin.
  7. The Spirit of God does not reside in sinners, evil spirits do.
  8. The gifts of God are soulish in nature.
  9. Marrying a divorced individual is adultery as the bonding is not broken by the law of the land (it was never formed by it in the first place) but by God (Mark 10:11). The only provision he made for cancellation was in an adultery scenario (now we know why) and when the mate is unbelieving and leaves the partner (1 Cor 7:15)
  10. The ability of a partner to sanctify his/her mate and offspring is because of the exchange of spirit content.
  11. God always likened idolatry to adultery and the scenarios described above is identical.
  12. Sexuality is really an issue of heart affection and sex is only an expression.
  13. The subject of our affection is the subject and ultimately source of our resources (soulish resources in particular).
  14. Adultery is therefore really apostasy (the Greek meaning); renunciation of faith or allegiance, it is ultimately an exchange.



In Conclusion

Man is the most powerful entity on earth and is charged with the function of multiplication and rulership on earth. He however needs a woman not only to procreate but to create a robust system through which all forms of creations arise. This creation is done in partnership with God who comes automatically on the scene and joins every two people in a sexual relationship.

The joining is tripartite and deviations from the ideal becomes man’s greatest challenge and results in a mangling, deprivation and offence against the soul and God asks; “what shall man give in exchange for his soul?”

Five minutes of pleasure?


If you’re guilty , you are not alone. The good news is here in black and white;

And the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman taken in adultery. And standing her in the midst,  they said to Him, Teacher, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the Law commanded us that such should be stoned. You, then, what do you say?

They said this, tempting Him so that they might have reason to accuse Him. But bending down, Jesus wrote on the ground with His finger, not appearing to hear. But as they continued to ask Him, He lifted Himself up and said to them, He who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her.

And again bending down, He wrote on the ground. And hearing, and being convicted by conscience, they went out one by one, beginning at the oldest, until the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. And bending back up, and seeing no one but the woman, Jesus said to her, Woman, where are the ones who accused you? Did not one give judgment against you?  And she said, No one, Lord. And Jesus said to her, Neither do I give judgment. Go, and sin no more. Then Jesus spoke again to them, saying, I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:3-12

Point is: Jesus forgives sin, even the sin of adultery and He also gives power to sin no more.

In my dictionary, that’s a whole lot of Good news!

Thank you

Okwonna Nelson