It wouldn’t dim the lights
Or dull the applause
Though I do it myself
For public applause is never a chance thing
Bad luck has never held back a nation
Neither will good luck save it
It would take awareness and commitment
It would take me
I am unique, impregnated with change
Destined a light
A destiny that calls my name
A call I must heed
Though there be other calls
Calls for moderation and caution
Given by loving loving hearts
Some by referees that will never play
Calls that would have killed Edison and emasculated David
Calls to feed my need
Visible calls
I however choose to heed the invisible
And to hear the inaudible
I choose to serve my seed rather than my need
I understand that the essence of reality is relationships
For truths tell of something
But reality is that of which truth is about
It is seen in the trinity
The father loved the Son and gave Him all
The Son loved the Father and does His will
The Spirit loves the Son and wouldn’t speak of Himself
Relationship is the essence of reality
Relationship based on service
Never for national cake
But for national task
My only regret is that I have but one life
One life to give for my Lord and Nation
Alas death is not an end but a hallway to Glory
So I choose to die knowing that thus is life
I choose today’s work
To love not myself alone but humanfolk
And that above myself
I chose to be ashamed to die
To die without winning a trophy for humanity
I’d rather die than rob the generation of Daphnie of something to be proud about
Someone said, “show me something to be proud about my nation and you’ll see how proud I can be”
I will
Years from now
Young hands would hold mine, though calloused, and say
“Papa tell us some tale of men gone before, tales of valor and fame”
Though it now seems there be no story to tell
I would mutter and say
“Thus the story began”
“How this might be” you ask
“I am the story” I answer
Real heroes never sought hero ship
They only heeded the call
The call that today tugs at my heart
The call that has made me a stranger and a fool
A call that has made days hours
I have come, in the volume of books it is written about me
To do thy will, Oh Lord!
The Author sat at His desk
Wrote “Time” and smiled
“Adam” and wept
With gingerly fingers He scribbled “Jesus”, felt the shame and pain
It was divine tears that touched the scrolls as He rolled them back,
Stood up and said “Let there be light”
Light came running at 3600km/s, and is still coming
He has never stopped speaking since
The other day He said “Nelson”
I cried, “Father!”