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Category Archives: Just Thinking

Easter: The Historicity of Christ

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The Democracy of the Glory of God

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Why Bad Things Happen to Good People

The full title of this text is “why bad things happen to good people and why you shouldn’t let the dark moon of today block out the ever-glorious sun”. Chances are that you might have contemplated this question. Why is it that supposedly good people sometimes must face undeserved bad things, and if we are bold to say, sometimes, evil things? Many have contemplated this often-unanswered question, and today, I wish to share the perspective given in the 5th Century by St. Augustine of Hippo. St. Augustine reasoned that we must begin from the fact that good things happen to both good and bad people alike and that they also receive similar measures of bad things. This is the way of ... Read more
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Calling and the Individual Sense of Significance

Me:                      I am going to change the world The World:         Change thyself first! It is true that charity begins at home; it is also true that leadership and true salvation are inside-out; hence, when we meet potential change-agents, particularly the ones we know, it is a lot difficult to believe they can make significant differences. Particularly if we met them before they became “significant”; afterwards, everyone else can believe. When David showed up to kill Goliath, everyone took him serious except his brother; to whom he ... Read more
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Beyond CSR to CSI

Earlier in 2015, I was invited to make a presentation at a brainstorming session on development practice in Nigeria. Our aim was to fashion out the possible engagement focus for a particular organisation. At the end of the session, we all agreed that achieving socio-economic development is at the heart of development in Africa, which can only occur when we have sustainable productive entities (profitable firms). –  Corporate Social Responsiblity (CSR) was discussed too.

A good development agenda must therefore be holistic and should address the challenges that limit our competitiveness as a nation, rather than focusing on increasing specific inputs. This is because even ... Read more

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Redefining Executive Priorities


In August 1939, Albert Einstein, who had fled Nazi Germany some years earlier, wrote a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt informing him of his concerns about Germany’s capacity to develop a nuclear weapon and made suggestions on how America could so same. In response, Roosevelt set up the Manhattan project, to work on developing a nuclear bomb, the project was successful and resulted in the historical bombing of Hiroshima and a few days later, of Nagasaki in August 1945.

Afterwards, the world will never remain the same; we’ve developed a relatively cheap way to annihilate humans.

After, a thoughtful consideration of the damage done and the implications in the ... Read more

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“…If you continue in My word, you are truly My disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Jesus Christ

The words above have inspired millions of men, the words “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” - Veritas vos liberabit (Latin) is the motto of several leading global institutions, including John Hopkins and the CIA. For Harvard, it is just “Veritas”, meaning “Truth”. Somehow, the men behind these institutions have recognized the liberating power of truth. Bondage in all its forms, is a depiction of the various forms of falsehoods to which we ... Read more

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The question of the deadness of God is one that had resonated well in literal circles in the not too distant past and in this text, I seek to outline points for and against these positions within the context of observed human realities. In other words, I refer to the attitude and whims of contemporary society with respect to this theme.

Note that the question does not say “is there a God?” rather it posits that He had actually existed but no longer does. Consider it from the perspective of an observer of contemporary society and religion; of our practices, value system and evolving culture.

Before we continue, please note that the deadness of God is not a logical posture because ... Read more

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Of Meaninglessness

“Why Not Suicide?”

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Faith is not man’s quest for God, it cannot be, for where can he find Him? It is God’s quest for man; hence, genuine acts of Faith are best seen in man’s response to the passions of God. When the Scripture says “seek Me and you shall find Me”, it is not because of the greatness of our efforts but in our response to the one who so earnestly seeks us. The true seeker is truly sought. Yes, in many ways, God has been really looking for you.

Man's righteousness therefore is not a product of good deeds but in the obedience to God. If you have really tried hard at being good, you would agree that the self awareness posture required to pursue righteousness quickly leads to the discovery ... Read more

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