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Category Archives: Heart and Art Foundation


  SCENE ONE THE BEGINNING Truth often times cannot be simply stated or we would have no need of teachers, or at best it would be a parable. This is not an apology but rather an explanation for the length of this write up, contained herein are my contemplations and attempt to glean wisdom from a multitude of teachers, if this article is lengthy it is because their thoughts and words were much. (it is advised that you read a scene per time and digest the thoughts before the next), We will begin with examining the meaning behind the statement;  “Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding; he who does it destroys his own soul. “ Prov. 6: 32 The feelers ... Read more
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Bishops in the Market Place

The Premise The nature of the individuals to which this text refers are individuals who have come to a place. These individuals have come to a Psalm 23 and 46 place. Psalm 23:        The Lord is my Shepherd…                         He makes me lie down in green pastures                         He leads me besides still waters Psalm 46:         Let the oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!                          A river brings joy to the city of our God, the sacred home of the Most High God dwells in that city; it cannot be destroyed. From the very break of day, God ... Read more
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Sincerely, I do not know if you have been here. Though I doubt if you have not but really the issue is not whether you have been here or not but whether you recognize this place for what it is. An imperfect place is that place where right is not good; it is that place where nature is different from the observed. It is that place that an entrepreneur could arrive at where though he knows he is in the right business but his experience has not been a good one. It is a man looking into the eyes of his wife – the right woman, knowing that though she is right, there is still a lot that is seemingly unpleasant with her. It is the wife weeping over a misbehaving husband that she truly loves. She ... Read more
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Man: Hello dear, which kind of love would you prefer? Lady: What are the options from which I could choose? Man: A) A military kind of love that is not too glamorous, strict but rock steady, the kind that never goes away. B) An enchanted love that is beautiful, romantic, glamorous but could fade one day. Lady: Can I have the both of them, I want it beautiful and romantic yet rock steady. I want it like the stars, beautiful and brilliant, yet always there. Man: Aha! Commentator: We want a love that is good to us, we also want it to be always there - and good for us. The stars offers a picture of such, we see it in nature - a blessed constancy, it is this constancy in nature that ... Read more
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The Practice of Development

  The Full Title of this text is "The Practice of Development: The Hard work of loving the Poor."  Of recent, a pastor friend of mine recounted how delighted he was to hear another pastor teach that it could be better to give to the poor than to one’s pastor. Both men were coming from the context that giving to those who do not have is much valued in the sight of God than to a pastor who obviously has enough; I quite agree. It is very important that church leaders be provided for by the congregation, a truth both men ascribe to; hence, their posture wasn’t to cast aspersions on the character of leadership. It is no longer news that most Africans live below the poverty line; what ... Read more
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Nationalism: Drawing our Boundaries

  I know a man, my dad to be precise who has a jealous love for his hometown – particularly, my village, Isichukwu; it means a lot to him. I also know another man whose dream is to help our town – Ekwulummili, (consisting of four villages) achieve their pride of place in the state, Anambra State. I’ve also met another man who though cares as much as these first two men, but cares more for the entire Igbo race, he wouldn’t limit his passion to just one State. In fact, he could die for it. All these men are good men; I’ve also met similar good men whose hearts beat for the entire nation – not just for their tribe (ranging from big to small tribes) or state. For some, this ... Read more
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Kings and Thrones

In 1741, Charles Jennens penned the libretto for what he called “the sacred oratorio” and convinced his friend – George Frideric Handel to compose an oratorio for it. In 24 days of back breaking work, the genius – Handel, composed what would become his most known composition, now known simply as Handel’s Messiah. Nearly 300 years after the first debut of the ever fresh Handel classic in Dublin, different orchestras find the Messiah one of their most loved and appreciated piece of music, greatly used by flash mobs in non-church settings, often leaving their audience in tears, hand raised and standing. It was said that King George II of England stood at the rendition of the oratorio, ... Read more
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The Discipline of Starting

As individuals and particularly as believers in God, we live with a certain kind of expectancy, of knowledge that God had destined us for great things. We know, like Abraham, that often, the details of His calling would be revealed in different seasons; and like him, we hope to make good our callings. In the Lord’s prayer, we find a summation of our vocation – the things that God expects of us: To hallow His name – a life of worship To Seek His Kingdom – i.e. to do His Will To forgive (love) and To pray These things summarise the entirety of what should be our preoccupation and great men in God’s sight are judged by how well they fared on these pillars. For ... Read more
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The Call

  “God Almighty has set before me two great objects, the suppression of slave trade and the reformation of manners” William Wilberforce (1759 -1833) At age 21, William Wilberforce was a member of the British Parliament, a self-described whoring playboy. On having a life changing conversion experience in 1785, he thought to do the most rational thing; resign from the British Parliament and pursue a more “holy” calling. God had a better plan and with the instrumentality of former slave trader, John Newton, Wilberforce was convinced to stay on in politics and to seek God’s will for his life. Two years later, he entered the above in his diary – “God has set before me ... Read more
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